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Must-read romantic fantasy: 'Sacrificed,' 'Beneath the Forsaken City,' 'Seeker'
Thank you to Serena Chase for finding my book on Netgalley and taking the time to give it a review.
Also, for this weekend only, Sacrificed (The Last Oracle, Book 1) is ON SALE for only $0.99 on Kindle!!!
*Promo ends on 2/23/15.
Check out ItchingforBooks blog for a chance to win a paperback copy of my book and a $5 Amazon giftcard.
A Thank You to My Reviewers!
My little debut YA Fantasy novel made it onto a few Kindle "Hot New Release" lists today. Sacrificed (The Last Oracle) is #1 in Kindle YA Ancient Civilizations (I didn't even know that was a category haha) and #12 in Kindle Sci-Fi/Fantasy Coming of Age.
I might not be on any list for long, but while I am, I wanted to give a huge THANKS to all the book bloggers and reviewers who responded to my blind query or clicked my book on Netgalley and agreed to read and review a book by a totally unknown self-published author.
I'm giving away two free paperbacks of my debut YA/Fantasy novel shipped to anywhere in the world. Check out Rachy-Bee's Blog to enter:
From Wise Ink Publishing Blog:
5. Jane Austen
Unable to get a traditional publisher interested in her work, Austen released both Emma and Sense & Sensibility on her own dime. Later, a publisher took notice and bought the rights to Northanger Abbey, but Austen ended up buying the book back because the publisher was taking too long to release it. If not for Austen's ambition and desire to get her work into the world by any means, England would be short its first modern novelist.
So excited to send a free paperback of my debut YA Fantasy novel to:
For all you who entered but didn't win, I'm running another giveaway at RachyBee's Blog The Rest is Still Unwritten--
I'll be running more paperback giveaways during the first month of release of the Kindle version of my book. If you want to hear about them, sign up for my mailing list:
And for any book reviewers/bloggers who want an ARC, please message me!
Have a great weekend,
I'm working on Book 2, wondering if anyone besides me and the characters in my book cares, and then I got this review.
Thanks for the inspiration, Amanda!
Currently 4+ stars on Amazon and Goodreads.
Fifteen-year-old Clio should have never been the Oracle of Sheehan. That power is passed from mother to eldest daughter, and Clio is the youngest of four sisters. But when her entire family is murdered by Mannix, the king's adviser, Clio is left all alone and heir to a power she never wanted and doesn't understand.
Hunted by Mannix, Clio seeks refuge in a foreign city where oracles are absolutely forbidden. If she's found out, she will be sacrificed atop its great pyramid. Clio has no choice but to win the trust of Riece, an enemy warrior.
Despite the growing feelings between them, Clio knows that if he finds out who she really is, he won't hesitate to kill her. Clio tries to hide her budding powers, longing to be a normal girl who can fall in love, but the visions she has of Mannix bringing a barbarian army into Sheehan torture her conscience. She alone has the strength and foresight to stop him, but only if she can embrace her destiny and sacrifice everything.
The slaver forced her on her feet and back to the group. Her mind was a blank. Somehow her legs moved her forward, but Clio didn’t feel connected to them anymore. She trudged through the throng of people who had witnessed and cheered for her sister’s death, and rage slowly filled the emptiness. Rage at these people, at Morek, but most of all, rage at Mannix. He consumed her thoughts.
She would escape, and he would pay for this.
They were led around the pyramid and stopped at its entrance. Warriors stood guard, but these warriors bore no resemblance to the ones in Sheehan. These men truly looked like the warriors of the sun deity. They wore pure gold breastplates over the traditional leather gear of the Sheehan warriors. Glistening cloaks of different colored feathers flapped in the breeze, signaling their rank. But what drew Clio’s attention most were their weapons of black obsidian.
One of the girls up front spoke up. “Is this the way to the temple?”
A warrior answered, “The temple? No, you are to be taken into the pyramid.”
Clio could feel panic stirring in each girl — each girl except the bald one before her. She just looked up at the pyramid’s façade with an expression of fatal resolution, as if she already knew this was to be their final destination.
“No, I think you are mistaken. We are here to become temple maidens.” Fear pitched the girl’s voice higher and higher.
The warrior laughed. “We don’t have temple maidens in Morek, slave. The Priest doesn’t allow women in his Temple. You are here as a sacrifice.”
There was no more discussion. One by one the girls were marched into the gaping maw of the pyramid, a path that only had one ending — amongst those rotting bodies at its base.
In a time when Shadowhunters are barely winning the fight against the forces of darkness, one battle will change the course of history forever. Welcome to the Infernal Devices trilogy, a stunning and dangerous prequel to the New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.
The year is 1878. Tessa Gray descends into London’s dark supernatural underworld in search of her missing brother. She soon discovers that her only allies are the demon-slaying Shadowhunters—including Will and Jem, the mysterious boys she is attracted to. Soon they find themselves up against the Pandemonium Club, a secret organization of vampires, demons, warlocks, and humans. Equipped with a magical army of unstoppable clockwork creatures, the Club is out to rule the British Empire, and only Tessa and her allies can stop them…
The Infernal Devices series is definitely one of my favorites for so many reasons. Not only do you FALL in love hard, but you also become a part of the fandom before you even realized it. Go, Shadowhunters!
Okay, let’s start with the actual review, shall we? We followed the life of Tessa Gray, who’s from America. She moved to Victorian London in hopes to find her brother after her aunt died. There, she’s met with Mrs. Dark and Mrs. Black – everyone called them The Dark sisters – who just happened to be warlocks.
What I liked about this was that Tessa or the reader had no idea what was going to happen. In fact, it was kind of a surprise when Tessa
(show spoiler)They told Tessa her brother sent them but it turned out that her brother was nowhere to be found.
And that’s how everything started. Tessa found out she wasn’t who she thought she was, she had to go through some really traumatic experiences and in the end, she still looked like a strong, well-meaning woman who fought for what she thought was right.
Tessa’s character development through these books could be seen, but right now, I’m going to focus on Clockwork Angel. At first, I felt bad for her because she was new to London, she didn’t know where to go and just seemed donwright clueless. But when we skip a few chapters and when she meets William Herondale, a Shadowhunter, you could see who she truly is. She is funny, witty, a bookworm like me and has a very kind heart. Loyalty is one of her best features.
This book gives us some kind of a love triangle. And out of all triangles that ever existed in books, this one was my favorite. You see, in other books, you grow to dislike one character while completely falling in love with the other. But in this case, two male characters were introduced to us in a hauntingly beautiful way and you couldn’t help but like both of them. While other people still managed to choose sides, for me, that was impossible.
Okay, I feel like I should mention why I think Tessa’s so badass. Here’s why: Tessa, the innocent girl, was also the person who reminded Will that hell was frozen while they both were running for their lives. Tessa who has proven to be extremely loyal and brave, often put Will in his place when his ego was over the top. Loving and caring Tessa, who was afraid but did not let that fear take over, sacrificed more than should ever be asked of one person, but she did it anyway.
To me, Tessa’s such a strong character with strong emotions and clear mind. She knew exactly what she wanted and I think that kind of a character was extremely hard to write.
Okay, we shouldn’t forget about James Carstairs, also known as Jem. He, unlike Will who left his family to move to the Institute, was an orphan. He was born in China, to his British father and Chinese mother. He was raised at the Shanghai Institute, which was run by his parents. Then, the Institute was attacked by a Greater Demon. His parents were killed, but he was tortured and poisoned with yin fen, a drug to which Jem became addicted to and could not live without it. He was one third of the love triangle.
Jem, overall, was a loving character. He was a sweetheart and cared for everyone in this book. Although he was sick, he managed to fight and protect his friends who were now his family.
Will was the person who I really liked because of his cockiness and humor. His arrogance was just perfect, but I didn’t like that he was pushing Tessa away. He wasn’t mean to her like you would see in some books, oh no. His arrogance was quite humorous. He was a nice change and always managed to make the book a little more interesting.
But on the other hand, there was Jem. Oh, sweet, loving, protective, reliable Jem. He is the person I fell in love with from the moment he was introduced to me as a reader. He stole my heart from the beginning. Just like Will.
Right after reading this book, I couldn’t stop myself from reading the next one and rating this one five stars.
Thank you, Cassandra Clare for making me feel things I never felt before because as a reader, I got so into this book, I cried with Tessa, smiled with her and felt every single thing she felt and also, as a young author in progress, I think that’s one of the best things an author can give to a reader.
Desirae Winterhart
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Read an excerpt of my debut YA Fantasy/Paranormal Romance novel:
Sacrificed: The Last Oracle
And enter another chance to win a paperback copy. It's all right here on Rachel M's awesome blog:
I'm releasing the book on Kindle on February 13th. Sign up to my mailing list to get news about discount promos I'll be running during my first month of release: